Please read the information below.
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Time - How many hours do you really get with a package.
Most wedding photographers offer packages with a total number of hours which is divided between two photographers. In other words a 12 hour wedding photography package with two photographers means you get two photographers for six hours each. Usually just one photographer does your getting ready photos, then both photographers will do your posed, ceremony photos, and the beginning of your reception then one photographer will leave and the other finish the shift alone. It is common for the couple to believe they will have two photographers for 12 hours only to e disappointed on their wedding day when they find out a large part of their special day will only have one photographer.
We are Different !
Our photographers aim to please you and help make your wedding day go a s smooth as possible. The time shown for our packages includes two photographers for the entire time. No tricks, no deception, just plain truthful language. Simply put, our 12 hour package is two photographers for 12 hours and both will be there for the 12 hours. This means one of us can be with the bride while the other is with groom for getting ready photos. During the posed photos one photographer can take candid/photo journalistic style photos while the posed photos are being taking by the other photographer. Alternately, the two photographers can both do posed photos at the same time to finish them quicker if you prefer. During the ceremony and reception both photographers will be busy taking photos giving you different photo styles, angles and perspectives of the entire ceremony and reception.
Why do many of my friends and family have wedding albums that seem to have the same basic page layouts?
Most studios use templates provided by the album manufacturers, photo labs, templates purchased from designers, etc. This saves time and labor costs which means the studio can make more money off each album. It also means you will probably receive your album quicker than you would receive a custom made album. Many wedding photographers will have you create the album pages by using a drag and drop system on a website in which you will add the photos to the templates. This may make you feel like you are in control of your album and your album is customized but if you think about it you may not feel this is true after-all. If you place the photos in the page templates, the photographer is not paying a skilled designer to do the work, you are providing the labor for free which this means more profit for the studio. Also in most cases the photos have to be retouched and edited before the photographer uploads them for you to do the work of designing your album. It is not unusual to have a 1000 or more photos from a wedding most will need retouching and/or editing. It is not likely that all of them or many have been thoroughly retouched and edited due the time and labor cost involved, so your album likely will not look as good as it could. Although everyone has their own opinion of what makes an album custom, we do not believe using templates is custom since the same templates are available to everyone.
We are Different !
We do not use templates for our wedding albums like most photographers, instead each album page is a created for you, with your input and the work of our skilled digital imaging. You will choose the photos that we will use to create your one of a kind album. We will actually create 3 different versions of each album page for you to choose from, then we will work with you to "tweak" the page you select to make it exactly what you want. Once each page is ready we will send you an electronic proof to approve and if you would like a little more "tweaking" of pages we will do them prior to ordering your wedding album. This does take longer than using a template but shouldn't your wedding album be as unique as you are and not some cookie cutter templates that everyone else has?
Do things really go wrong at weddings like on TV and in movies?
Unfortunately the short answer is yes. A better answer is yes but not always and rarely as bad as the TV shows make it out to be. Sometimes problems are caused by or made worse by the people you hire to provide services for your wedding like the Bakery, DJ, Reception Hall, caterer, Band, videographer, Officiant, etc.....Yes some Photographers too. No one wants your wedding to "go wrong" but many vendors including photographers will not actively try to make your day as smooth as possible.
We are Different !
We will work with you to help make your wedding day and night go as smoothly as possible. One of the ways we do this us by offering a free wedding plan review in which we will use our years of experience to help you workout the details of your wedding day to help your special day go off as smoothly as possible. If you prefer, we will sit down with you prior to you finalizing your wedding plans and act as a consultant to help you plan your wedding day. We will tell things that we have seen work well and things that have failed. We have years of experience and we will be glad to share it with you and it is included in every package.
How early should I book a photographer, location, caterer, etc.
The short answer is EARLY! Many of us who provide wedding services will be booked more than a year in advance. Many will charge extra for "last minute booking" for various reasons, some legitimate and some are not (in our opinion). Most well prepared couples book about 18 to 24 months in advance. The popular dates and locations will be booked sooner than the others so keep that in mind when planning your wedding. If your wedding is going to be a smaller one or in a location that is not at an extremely popular location less 18 months will probably be fine but try to book no less than 12 months in advance to be safe. Also in general, bakeries don't need to be booked as early for the cake as photographers or caterer, DJ or popular locations. It never hurts to book early.
We are Different !
Our pricing and service is exactly the same no matter how early or late you book with us. Please keep in mind if you are booking close to the date of your wedding, we might not have any photographers available and therefore may not be able to help you. with that said, we have had many "last minute" bookings over the years and whenever possible we will happily photograph your wedding even if you contact us on the night before your wedding, which has happened.
Why do many service providers require a deposit and are they refundable?
The easy part of this one is your deposit shows that your are serious about using that provider's services. In other words it show you have made a decision. Since all providers have to schedule people, prepare for your wedding, potentially turn down other couples or jobs, you are showing that your will be using those vendors by giving a deposit. The hard part to answer is: are deposits refundable? Yes, no, and maybe. Each company will have their own policy so ask before you give your deposit. It is common for deposits to be refundable if you cancel a certain amount of time prior to the wedding. In some cases, their may be a portion of the deposit that is not refundable, again this is up to the individual service providers.
Our Policy is:
We have refundable deposits as long as you cancel at least 45 days prior to the wedding. If you do cancel less than 45 days prior to the scheduled date and we book a wedding to replace your wedding, we will refund 100% of your deposit even-though you canceled late. If you have received goods and/or services from us prior to canceling we will deduct the cost of those from your refund. An example would be if you had an engagement photo session with us and we have completed it, we will deduct the price of the engagement photo session from your refund, so you will only pay for what we provided to you. Again, before giving anyone a deposit, ask what the cancellation/refund policy is and get it in writing!!! Ours is in our wedding photography contract.
To view our wedding photography packages please click here. |
Photos coming to this area soon.